Native 4K D-ILA Device 0.69 inch The DLA-VS4700 employs the world's smallest Native 4K D-ILA device (.69"diagonal) realizing 4096 x 2160 pixel images. By selected input sources super high resolution of 8K imaging can be reproduce with JVC dedicate e-shift technology. It utilizes vertical orientation technology and a planarization technique that reduces light scattering and light diffraction over previous devices. The result is extremely high native contrast ratios with smooth, detailed pictures without visible pixel structure even on large screens.
Laser Phosphor Light Engine JVC's proprietary 2nd generation BLU-Escent™ laser phosphor light engine uses blue laser diodes, stationary inorganic phosphor and JVC's proprietary color management system. BLU-Escent™ enables a consistent 3,000 lumen light output. Increased brightness ensures compatibility with larger screen sizes over 200 inches, and improved HDR performance, bringing greater depth and dimensional to home theater screens. Using the Laser Diodes as the light source, light output can be controlled instantly. The DLA-VS4700 controls the laser output accordingly to the scene's brightness, which creates a picture that is as close to human perception as possible. Low/Medium/High Laser Diode output settings are available with a choice of Dynamic Control modes.
Safety and Environmental Impact Moving from a lamp-based projector to a solid state light source means that there is no longer the mercury in the lamp to worry about, eliminating any disposal concerns. Since the projector contains a laser source, JVC has taken special care to be sure no laser light can escape the projector housing. This is facilitated by the strong die-cast block that holds the blues lasers. This is good for thermal management and allows the projector to have a Class II laser classification. This means you follow the same safety considerations as you would with a lamp based projector.
Flexible Mounting Orientations Compared with conventional lamp projectors with a tilt angle limitation, BLU-Escent projectors have no limitations on orientation or tilt angle. They can be installed at any orientation through 360-degrees and even vertically, which is ideal for helicopter simulators which require higher vertical resolution. The rotation of the phosphor wheel remains unaffected regardless of the install angle.
Very High Contrast and Dynamic Range The JVC BLU-Escent projectors offer very high contrast and dynamic range. For simulators, that can be the difference between usable and unusable. For example, one key application is landing in fog or low light levels where pilots key on seeing runways or other lights to aid in landing. If the contrast is not high enough, the pilots cannot distinguish the lights from the background, making it difficult to see the landing lights in a CAT III scenario, compromising the simulation. The high dynamic range allows the lights to punch through the fog, giving a realistic, calligraphic like image. For nighttime or night vision goggle (NVG) operations, you must have a very low black level in your projector to provide decent contrast. And, for multi-projector applications, it is critical to have the same black level across the projectors.
Устройства изображения
Технология проекции
Технология D-ILA
Размер матрицы
0,69 дюйма
Количество матриц
Натуральное разрешение
4096 на 2160 пикселей
Электронный оптический сдвиг
Максимальное разрешение
8192 на 4320 пикселей
Polarize Light Output
Источник света
Технология источника света
Laser / Phosphor
BLU-Escent technology
Тип лампы
Blu-Escent laser hybrid
Количество источников света
1 шт.
Ресурс в обычном режиме работы (часов)
20000 Hours
Ресурс в экономичном режиме работы (часов)
~ 40000 Hours
Цветовое пространство
Phosphor Wheel
Phosphor Plate Static
Да (версия 4.2, проводной микрофон в комплекте)
Яркость и контрастность
Световой поток (максимальный) [1]
3000 ANSI Лм
Brightness Minimum
2400 ANSI Lumens
Contrast Typical
От 15000 до 1
Contrast Minimum
От 12000 до 1
greater than 78%
8 Steps Light Aperture
Динамический контроль лазера
Да (версия 4.2, проводной микрофон в комплекте)
Manual Light Power Control
100% to 25%
Глубина цвета
12-bit Input, 12-bit Display and Signal Processing
Цветовое пространство
REC 709
Exchangeable Lens
Объектив в комплекте
No Lens included
Shift Electrical or Mechanical
Option (Fixed or Motorized)
Регулировка фокуса / зума на встроенных тестовых шаблонах
Focus/Zoom Adjustment on User Signal
Edge blending
Да (версия 4.2, проводной микрофон в комплекте)
Edge blending tools
Start/End Line Cursors (guidelines)
Edge blending Range
0 to 255 (left/right) 0 to 135 (up/down)
Edge blending Offset (Black Level)
0 to 50
Distortion adjustment
YES Zone areas
Предустановки режима изображения
Natural / Dynamic and 6 User settings
Цветовая температура
5500K / 6500K / 9500K / High Bright / 2 User settings
16 - 235 Video (fix range) 0 to 255 PC (fix range)
Color space range for inputs
YcbCr4444 / YCbCr422 / RGB
Note for Signal Input combinations:
Please study for details the User manual (download) or dedicate Input format list, when available.
Signal Input combination SINGLE
On DP1 to DP4 up to 4096 x 2160 Pixels
Signal Input combination DUAL Stripes
DP1 and DP3 each max 2048 x 2160 Pixels
Signal Input combination DUAL Frame sequential
DP1 and DP3 each max. 2560 x 1600 Pixels
Signal Input combination QUAD -Stripes
DP1 to DP4 each max. 1024 x 2160 Pixels
Signal Input combination QUAD Cross
DP1 to DP4 each max. 2048 x 1080 Pixels
Signal Input combination QUAD Frame sequential
DP1 to DP3 each max. 2048 x 2160 Pixels
3D Format
Поддержка 3D
3D Special Notes:
3D only be possible by supporting Dual Input at 60 Hz each, for Googles Trigger need special sync trigger Terminal, please contact us for more details. Passive Stereo with two Projectors (Polarized Filters needed)
Сеть переменного тока напряжением 110-240 В частотой 50/60 Гц
750 Watt
Энергопотребление в режиме ожидания
Operation Temperature
5°C to 35°C
Рабочая влажность
От 20% до 80%
Высота установки
below 2000 Meters
Угол установки
Free angle
Размеры Ш х В х Г
ширина 500 x высота 235 x глубина 703 mm
Airflow requirement
2.4 m3 per minute minimum
Calorific Value
2,700 kJ/h (648 kcal/h)
Установочная схема
YES /ON/OFF should be set to ON from above 900 Meters
Motion Platform usable
Yes please contact us for Force-Data
В комплекте с устройством
Кабель питания AC
Cord B
Тип батареи:
2 x AAA Type
Safety Info Doc include for Full Instruction, please download form this web site
Общие примечания
Имитированные изображения. Значения для веса и размеров являются приблизительными. Конструкция и технические характеристики могут быть изменены без предварительного уведомления.